Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Charlie the Unicorn

If you search "Charlie the Unicorn" on Youtube, you will find hilarious videos about three unicorns: Charlie, the gray unicorn and his two blue and pink friends. Today I went to Youtube just to have a little bit of fun, and I watched Charlie the Unicorn. There are about 4 videos in total made by the FilmCow company. My favorite one is the "Ocean Blue", where Charlie goes on an adventure with his weird friends.underwater to build a snowman (odd, huh?) Charlie's friends are so weird------they talk in a squeaky and funny tone and always bring up odd ideas. Anyway, when underwater, Charlie met a half-goat half-dolphin creature, and the creature sang a really cool song. My favorite verses in the song was "Swordfishes-----love you; jellyfishes-------love you; starfishes- I WANT TO BE WITH YOU FOREVER!!!!!!!!" Oh yeah, the screaming starfish was hilarious. The video ended with creature exploding and Charlie losing consciousness. After he regained consciousness, Charlie found the snowman, and found out that his friends had broken his horn and stuck it on the snowman for its nose. What's more, he found his kidney (which was also stolen by his friends in the first episode)! Oh boy, I JUST LOVE CHARLIE THE UNICORN! It's so HILARIOUS!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Square Dance

Today at PE we did square dancing. Square dancing is very new to me, since I have never experienced it before. It's basically a country-style dance. Each girl was paired up with a boy as her partner, and then we did several dances together and switched partner in each one. First, we joined hands together, all 8 of us (because there were 4 pairs of dancers in each square), and went around in a full-circle counterclockwise. Then we did a dos ado- going around your partner without turning your body and bumping into him/her. After the dos ado we swung each other around and turned to our corner and switched to another partner. We basically did the same thing over and over again. There were some other techniques, such as the accommodation, which is basically partners criss-cross their hands and join the together. Overall, square dancing was fun.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

CorelDraw, Photoshop + GIMP

Today I spent the whole day editing images on CorelDraw and Photoshop. I have many image-editing softwares in my house because it was part of my mom's career as an artist. She used to use a lot of photoshop and CorelDraw and it always amuses me how the images can become so cool once being edited. I am familiar with CorelDraw because I basically used it for everything last year, but Photoshop is kinda new to me. I played around with it, exploring new functions as I click onto different icons. I wanted to create a signature just like what one of the members on the Sale website created using GIMP, another program designed specifically for image editing. I tried to open GIMP on my computer but unfortunately it wouldn't run on it, so I was stuck with CorelDraw and Photoshop. First I created a Hunter X Hunter signature on CorelDraw, and then I edited in photoshop. It turned out to be really cool and I put it on the Sale website as my current siggy.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I Hate Shopping!

After reading the title, you might ask: Are you CRAZY?! Shopping is fun! But ho no, it's not. Shopping makes me SICK. I just don't know why. I mean, girls are suppose to get ADDICTED to shopping! But whenever I get into a mall I would become extremely bored and sick. I get dizzy and that's just weird. Today my mom dragged me to go to shopping with her, and she promised me lots and lots of food (My favorite). How can I resist the lure of food? So I went with her. I though it would be just fine, that I have NO NEED to panic or whatsoever. But when we got to Pacific Centre, I became sick AGAIN. After one hour of shopping I was complaining and begging to go home. I felt like I had a nervous breakdown. Holy cheese, it was horrible. I was absolutely horrified. Do I have the disease of "Shoppophobia"?

Friday, November 26, 2010

It's Mailing Day

Today I had to mail the original copy of the application for animal import directly to the office in Surrey. I have already faxed the second application to them, but they still needed the original copy. I almost forgot where I put the copy but I found it anyway, just under a pile of books. Yep. My dad had left it there. I quickly went on the department's website and copied down the mailing address for the office in Surrey, then I shoved the original copy into an envelope. My mom then gave me some money to buy stamps because we ran out of them. We are really lucky that we have a post office right outside our building. I went to the post office and purchased 12 Christmas stamps and stuck one on the envelope. I gave the letter to the staff and that was it. I had finished the mailing process! Now I only have to wait patiently for a response. Oh boy, I hope I will get that permission from the department!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Heavy Snow

Today's snow was heavy. Yesterday it was predicted that it was going to snow today, and it did, so it was not a surprise. The cool thing was, the blizzard continued for almost a whole day and covered Vancouver, once again, with soft white snow. People rushed out immediately after snow to play in the snow, including me and my friend. Yep, the snow was plenty and untouched so it was ideal for making snow balls. Talking about snow balls, we had a really cool snow ball fight as well. However the heavy snow resulted in numerous traffic jams, and my friend was late this morning because of it. It was hard for her to walk all the way from her house to the school so her dad gave her a drive everyday, and of course, I missed the days when we used to walk together to school. As you can see, the heavy snow can be fun but sometimes annoying as well. Overall, I am still pretty satisfied with the snow because it is what we are suppose to have in the winter.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds is my favorite TV show. It's about a group of FBI agents who solves crimes based on human behaviour. Today's case is about a serial killer who abducts women. This psychotic nurse whose name is Samatha, was raped by her father when she was 10. Her father felt guilty so he gave her dolls as gifts. Samatha became obsessed with these dolls, but when her father gave them away, Samatha went crazy. Although she is an adult now, she still can't get over with the obsession, so she searched for her dolls. When she couldn't find them, she abducted women who resembles these dolls: Petite and have beautiful features. Samantha sewed wigs on her victims' heads and dressed them up like dolls at a tea party. She then injected them with drugs so that they could stay conscious could could not do anything else other than blinking and breathing. For some reason Samantha killed these women, and went on and searched for new ones. This time she had three hostages. The team of FBI agents: Dr. Reid, Hotch, Rossi, Jason and Agent Prentiss have already figured out where Samantha is and at the end they captured her and rescued these three women. It was a pretty good show and I really enjoyed it.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

To Have Fun With Charcoal

Today at the 4Cats Studio we did a charcoal sketching of ourselves on painted canvas. We painted the canvas brownish yellow so that it would look "aged" and "old ". We are sketch in the Michelangelo style with charcoal. I have never handled charcoal before, so I was really excited to use it. Charcoal is really thin and easy to break, so I was being really careful not to break it. The color is beautiful. It looks better than pencil, and what's more, it is more smudgy so I can create various kind of shadows for my portrait. But then I exhaled and blew away some of the charcoal color on my canvas. Hmm. It was like dust... I was drawing with a stick made out of dark dust-------this was weird. When I had finished my portrait the charcoal sketching looked awesome. It looked so realistic and cool. You may think that I haven't erased a single bit while I was sketching with charcoal, but I did. You see, charcoal is very erasable. That's another cool fact. I love sketching with charcoal.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Wrapping Up for the Sale Website

Ah...my days on the Sale Website for term 1 is done...I feel so relieved. Actually, I finished it a week earlier, including all the student trivia, current events (3 threads + 25 responses), food for thought, and the sale trivia. But I still log onto it everyday, checking to see if anything new comes up. Today I am really surprised to see my sale trivia suggestion being selected for the sale trivia (ya! Extra 3 points) and lots of new posts popping up. Lots of people are jamming in their posts for the sale website, and when I logged on I saw 14 users all posting on the Sale Website. Seriously, people should not always leave these things to do at the last minute. I post a lot and have already earned two sale scholars: the TMaster and Guru. Now I am aiming for the Eater. Yep. More posts are coming up today!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Snow...Ruined

Yesterday we had beautiful snow, but today it's ruined! Many people have stepped on it, making the surface kinda dirty and mushed up. There are lots of footprints in the snow, and some part you can even see the dirt and the melted snow mixed together which created many muddy pools. Winona Park looked bad too, because all the beautiful snow is ruined by people who sledded there yesterday. The sun is making the snow melt. Only a few places still preserves the pristine and untouched snow. I really missed it. The whole city looked so amazing yesterday, covered in white, but today almost everything is back to normal. I really hoped that it will snow again tonight. I just want to experience the feeling the winter once again. Snow is amazing.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's Snowing!

Finally! The first snow of the year! When I woke up this morning, the whole city was covered with a layer of soft, white snow. Actually, I already knew it was snowing, because last night the sky was really pink and it was snowing pretty hard. But hey, it was morning, so I quickly put on my coat and finished my breakfast, then grabbed my ski-doo board and took my parents to Winona Park. The thing I love about Winona Park is that is has steep slopes which becomes great ski-doo hill when it snows. When we arrived there, boy, the park looked amazing. It was so quiet, because it was still early in the morning and people haven't waken up yet. We took some great photos, and then I quickly hopped on the ski-doo board and slid down the hill, laughing as I went down. My parents were tempted to try the ski-doo board as well, so they got on. My mom had a thrill ride but my dad accidentally got off the board while it was still sliding and rolled down the hill. My, was that HILARIOUS! We ski-dooed for about an hour, then I went down the hill and decided to build a snowman. My parents helped me with the snowman by transporting all the snow to my side using the ski-doo board. I made this snowman with a fat body and a tiny head, and its hands were posed in a waving position, as if it was greeting someone. After all these thing I was wet (from the snow) and tired, so we went back home. That wasn't bad for the first snow of the year!

Friday, November 19, 2010


Ugh. Fast food makes me want to vomit. I hate to say this, but I use to be so addicted to them. The funny thing is, I eat fast food every Friday and I am not obese (weird!) I stopped for several times because I started to feel so grossed out about them. Yeah, for people who doesn't eat fast food very often it tastes yummy, but for me who consumes them on a regular basis, it's not okay. I am fed up with them. For some reason they don't taste yummy anymore. The fries taste bland. The burger tastes gross, but the drink is not too bad. Where's all my desires for fast food?! Yep, they must be hiding somewhere deep inside my brain, a place where nobody can disturb them. Today I had two medium fries, two burgers and one drink. I ate one medium fries, one burger and drank the root beer. The taste was horrible. And do you know that fries taste ridiculous when they are cold? And do you know that bacons make the burger taste bad? Well, I have experienced all of that today, and I would never want to experience it again. I am going on a diet next week. No more fast food for the next three months!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another Science Test!

Today at Applied Skills we had another science test because Ms. Smedley had switched classes with Mr. Olson. I came prepared and all ready to go. I was a little bit frightened at the beginning because I was not sure if I had studied enough. But when I got the test I smiled. They were all questions that I know! I quickly wrote down the easy answers and then moved onto the hard ones. Actually, there were no really hard ones because I have studied really hard last night and basically understood everything in Chapter 2. The organ system mix and match took me some time because I was not that familiar with it, but I think I did okay. I matched all the ones I knew and then slowly matched the rest up using what I have learned. This test was definitely way easier than last time's science test, and I think that I will get a decent mark on it. This has also taught me a very important lesson: Study hard for a test and you will get satisfying results. Although I do not know what I will get, I am still very confident that I will do a very good job on this.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Must...Nail This Test!

Tomorrow we are going to have a science test and I must nail it in order to get an A. Last time's test score wasn't as good as I thought it should be so I must do my best on this test and increase my score. This test focuses on Unit 1, chapter 2 on diffirent cell functions and such, and it's not that hard, but I still need to study and review it. Last time before the test we all did "cheat sheets" which were actually like review sheets, but this time the teacher told us not to do it because we don't have time. Oh well. But tonight I will make a little quiz to test myself and see how I would do. This way I can review and practice at the same time. Well, I better get to work now, because there's plenty to do. I am planning on doing one full page of notes and then maybe two pages of quiz. I better get started.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lonely...Miss Lonely

I was alone all day. Well, not exactly, but I missed my best friend Asma very much. She was absent today and I walked to school and back all by myself. Lunch was boring as well. The whole atmosphere lacked of her gentle smile and humorous conversation. This morning I phoned her, and nobody answered my call. Gee, I thought. She must be sick or something. Or maybe she forgot to charge her phone and the battery just ran out. When I got to school this morning I expected a familiar pink figure (she always wear that brilliant pink sweater), but there was none. I felt really sad and worried. I know that Asma has asthma, and the cold weather probably affected her health. She was absent many times lately, and I felt terribly alone when she's not there with me. Oh, I just hope that she gets better and we can see each other's familiar face tomorrow!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Timetable Rotation

Today we had our first timetable rotation! Before the rotation, our schedule is #1234, but now it's #3412! So today as a day 2, I had PE first, then Science, and after lunch I had Social Studies and Art. I was pretty familiar with the timetable before, but now I have to deal with a new one, so it was pretty tough, but I managed it anyway. Things were kinda odd, because I was having a difficulty with having PE first thing in the morning. While we were doing our warm up, my back and legs ached and were sore from yesterday's work. My flexibility was poor and my whole body hurt. I was glad to have Art last, because Art is a fun subject and it's usually good to save the fun things at the end and walk home happily. I think I am beginning to adapt to this new timetable now. Tomorrow I will have English first, then French, and after lunch I will have Math and Applied Skills. I wonder if I will get use to it tomorrow!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

This Book Sure is Hard to Understand

Today I spent my whole morning reading a book called Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China. It's a challenging book, because it's basically a memoir about the history of China from the last century. It's really complicated. The author wrote about her grandmother, who was a concubine from a rich family, her mother, who got involved in communism, and herself, who got involved in with communism as well. It's basically like a history book. There were a lot of facts about China several decades ago, and I did a lot of checking with my dad to make sure that the book is stating out the true facts about China, and it turned out it did. The author recorded the time of the great Leap Forward and the famine, which was the most insane time of China. I was shocked when I read about how people suffered during that time. The author herself didn't suffer much, because her family had high authority and her parents were high-ranking officials, but her observation toward the world around her was keen. I learned a lot while I read this book. In fact, the only reason that I picked this book from the Independent Reading Program is because this book focuses on the New China when Chairman Mao reigned. Anyway, the whole book was hard to understand. I am having a hard time reading and undertanding everything, but overall, this book is very interesting and I am still reading it.

Working Together With My Partner

Today my partner and I got together to work on the Social Studies project again. However the other partner (I have two partners) did not come because she had church, so it was just me and my partner. Last time we didn't finish everything, so today we planned to speed things up. I still had to finish the map because last time I only fine lined it, so today I needed to finish coloring it. I finished the coloring in an hour while my partner typed out the story (The story was unfinished as well from last time), and when we got a little break, we went on Youtube again and watched some funny video of a girl singing while holding a green onion (anyway, that's not important). It took me some time to measure out things and paste the material on the displaying board, but I finished it anyway. My partner got bored of typing so she came over and helped me with the lettering. I drew the bubbly letters for the title and she cut them out and paste them on the board. At around 6 pm I had to leave because it was late and I had to be home for dinner. We got little time working on our project but still we managed to get something down. Tomorrow at lunch we shall meet again and work on our project. With the map all done, it wouldn't be hard for us to finish the whole project.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The International Cat Show

I love cats. They are just so adorable! When my mom found about an international cat show in Richmond, I was dying to go there. And today, I finally got my wish. The international cat show is held inside a hotel, with over 200 cats participating in the show. Oh, they were just WONDERFUL! There were Siamese cats, Rag dolls, Sphinxes, Persians... I couldn't count them all. The cats were having a tournament to see which one was the best cat. There were several rounds, and different ribbons were being awarded to each owner. Each of these kitties have different features. Some have tortoise shell colored spots, some have cute muzzles, and some of them are just big hairballs. My favorite one was this Bengal cat. Oh my, he looked almost like a cougar with that gorgeous striped fur! He was so skinny, and every move he made was graceful. When I talked with the owner she said that this Bengal cat is a fast runner and a very wild kitty. There was also this lady with a cute white Persian cat named Pearl. Pearl had silky white fur and a pair of big blue eyes like the color of the ocean. She just looked amazing! Of course, the owner got several awards for this pretty kitty. Some of the cats were exhausted from the show, so they just cuddled up in a ball and hid their tiny little heads in their fur. The cat show is a must-see show. It's where you can meet different kinds of cat. Trust me, these little kitties will sure steal your heart!

Friday, November 12, 2010

My District Closure Day

Today is Friday and we have no school because of district closure day, so I decided to go over to my friend's house and work on our project. We are suppose to design a project based on the idea of the destruction of Churchill Secondary, which includes a little bit of writing, a map, directions and title, and all of these will be presented on a huge piece of construction paper. Ours will be presented on a black piece of construction paper. Our map design is ready and we just need to make a good copy of it and then paste it on the black background paper. My partners have finished the script for the story about how the school was destructed, and all we needed to do was to type it out. I arrived at my partner's house at 1 pm and brought all the supplies we needed for the project. When everybody had arrived we started working on our project. However we got interrupted because we took a break and watched some funny stuff on Youtube, but as soon as we were finished with the videos we got back to work. Unfortunately we had to leave at 3 pm because one of my partner had a dentist appointment, so we were not quite done with the work yet. We planned to meet again on Sunday and finish off our project. At the end, we left everything at my partner's house and we will get back to it on Sunday.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

This is Driving Me Crazy!!!!!!!

This morning I had to contact the online gardener's shop to see if they could ship plants to Canada, and I got quite an unsatisfying answer. I needed several plants for my science project, and I could only find them on that website. Unfortunately, they only deliver to customers inside of the United States. I felt so depressed, because I had to start researching again. I spent the whole morning doing research online and found nothing. But then------an idea popped up! I could replace the live plants with dead ones! Since I only needed mint, catnip, chives and garlic, I can find them in any grocery store, particularly in TNT, where there are plenty of these herbs. I immediately felt relieved. Because even though I have a good science project proposal, I still needed the ingredients and materials in order to make the experiment real. Finding the solution towards the problem really made my day. Now I just have to worry about the termites! I still have to import them from the United States!

Such a Relaxing Day for Reading

Today is Remembrance Day and we have no school, so I slept until it was 9:00 in the morning. The weather was not that nice outside: a little bit of rain plus gray clouds plus cold temperature, and it just made me more sleepy. After finishing up my homework I was left with nothing to do------until I saw my books. Books! I can still read! I quickly picked up a book called The Alchemist, and started reading on the page where I left it on. Time went past by slowly and when I have finished The Alchemist, I moved onto another book called Anil's Ghost. It was quite a good way to kill some time------ and I quite enjoyed the tense atmosphere the book gave me. Shortly after I have finished my afternoon snack (I call it the Consumer's Time), I started reading again. When I read, I feel like I was watching a movie. I couldn't stop. It was almost impossible to take my eyes off the page. I kept on reading and reading as the whole afternoon went by. I seem to have lost track of time while I was reading!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Body World

Today we went to Telus World of Science for the amazing body world show. The show is actually called Body World 2, and there previous show was held in 2006. Today we got a chance to see it, and it was really cool. The displays are all made of real samples from body donors, and I was kinda scared before I went in, because DUH! They are dead bodies! But once we got in, I relaxed, because these displays weren't that scary at all. They were real bodies all right, and they have been inplastinated so that the flesh wouldn't rot and the bodies would be well preserved. Some of the bodies were carefully dissected to show the structure of the body and the organs and body parts, and there was this display called "Angel", with blonde hair and shoulder blades split open at the back. I think that it got its name because of the shoulder blades which resembled wings. There were displays of organ samples, all protected in glass containers. I was so tempted to touch them, but we were not allowed to. Fortunately, there was a little station where we could touch some of the samples like kidneys and livers. It felt kinda like plastic models. There was a special section for babies, and we saw glasses of liquid containing fetuses. A pregnant woman's body stood there as part of the display. I felt sorry for the babies who died and became part of the exhibit, and that woman who was going to be a mother if she hadn't deceased during her pregnancy. A part of the exhibit also featured blood vessels, and they were all dyed crimson red. The blood vessels made me shudder so I moved on to the brains. The brains were smaller than I thought, and they looked repulsive (descriptive!). I was amazed. I definitely learned a lot from this show, and I would like to thank the donors for donating these bodies so that we could learn and understand about us human more.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's a Rather Cold Day

Brrrrrr! It was really cold today! When I walked on the way back home from my art studio, I felt that winter had hit Vancouver. My breath turned into vapour against the cold air. Wind blew by my ears, and I felt a chill running down my spine. I legs were freezing, and my fingers were numb, even though I was wearing gloves. It was also raining a little, which made the weather even worse. Ugh. My nose was freezing and I was afraid that I might catch a cold. I wrapped my heavy jacket around my body and held onto it tight, but it was still cold. Trust me, it was pretty horrible. I hated this kind of weather, because it always make my nose stuffy and cold. As night approached the temperature was dropping down really fast, and the rain just never stopped. Oh dear. Is it going to be like this the whole winter? Do we have to suffer through this kind of horrible weather until spring arrives? I hope not! I am just DREADED to see the sun and feel its warmth again!

Monday, November 8, 2010

The After Effect of Passing Out

Yesterday I passed out during a choir rehearsal and my mom was worried sick. She thinks that I am not getting enough nutrition. So today she packed extra lunch for me with lots of fruits and veggies and such. She told me to eat them all and drink lots of water. After school when I came back home, she asked if my day was okay, and that I didn't feel any dizziness. She asked if I ate all my lunch, and I said I did. She looked relieved, and then prepared some snacks for me. I think she is still recovering from the shock. I must have scared her a lot yesterday, and somehow I feel guilty about it. It was really scary that I actually fainted and lost consciousness for a few seconds, and my mom must have felt terrible and scared about it. I think that I will eat healthy and keep myself fit so that this kind of stuff will never happen again. This is just too much for my mom, and I think once is enough.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Passed Out

Can you believe it? I passed out today while doing a choir rehearsal at my church! It was only a temporary pass out but the people in the church still got freaked out and I was carried off in an ambulance. It was weird------ we were standing on the stage singing for our Christmas Program, and then I suddenly feel my stomach turning, and my vision became blurry and my legs were wobbling. I staggered forward and then swung backward, and I could hear my friend Harmony saying "Are you okay" to me, but then I collapsed. There was a moment of black-out which I didn't remember what happened to me, but then a few seconds later I regained consciousness and I saw my mom, calling out my name. I thought I was hallucinating, because I could only see my mom's face and not other people's. "Mom" I called out, and then felt really sick again. Oh boy, I felt like throwing up that moment. I was immediately being transported to the washroom, but I didn't puke. When I was starting to feel better the ambulance arrived and the paramedic people came to make sure I was okay. They asked me questions and gave me some test like measuring my blood pressure. When answering their questions I tried to focus, but my vision shifted even though I tried so hard to get them into focus. Later I had to go to the children's hospital where I had other tests to ensure that I have no problem at all. It was a rush, but I could still remember what happened during the incident. It sure was an exciting afternoon. This was my first time passing out, and it felt so unrealistic! When the doctor had finished examining me, he said the reason why I passed out is because my body is growing and the blood couldn't reach my brain in a certain amount of time and that resulted in the fainting. Oh, I hope that it will never happen again. That was enough for a lifetime experience.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's Skating Time

Today my friends and I went to Sunset skating rink and skated there. I haven't skated for about five months, so I was a little bit worried that I might lose my balance on the ice. But when I put my skates on and tried to walk around, it wasn't bad. Then I tried it on the ice, and I did better than I thought. I immediately got the feeling of skating back and became as good as I used to be five months ago. I bended my knees, feeling the skates gliding on the smooth ice underneath. It felt really good. Although the temperature in the ice rink was really low, I didn't feel cold. I could feel the wind passing by as I skated faster and faster. When I got familiarized with skating again, I tried crossovers, and I did it without losing my balance. I looped around the rink and tried different skating tricks I have learned last winter. I skated for about an hour and a half and soon felt tired. When I stepped out of the rink I felt really sweaty, and my legs were sore. But skating was fun, and I really enjoyed it. I think that I will go again maybe next week.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Our trip to Watermania in Richmond today was fantastic. It was my first time going there and I was already very excited on the bus. I was a little bit worried, though, because I could not swim very well. After we changed into our swimming suit, my friends and I headed to the Wave Pool. One of my friends could not swim very well too so we stuck together. The others went in to the deep water area where only people with swimming skills above level 5 could swim in. The Wave Pool wasn't deep. In fact, it was kinda shallow, and crowded as well. The deepest part of the Wave Pool was about 1.75 metres. Me and my friends grabbed onto lifesavers and when the waves started, we began to float freely on top of the water. It was really cool, because it felt like I was in a raft or something. Then we went to the water slide for more fun. There were two water slides: a red one and a blue one. The red one doesn't have a cover on it and it has less twists and turns, so it was less scary than the blue one. I tried the red one first, and I went down the slide so fast and into a pool. I got choked by the water because I was not realizing that I was about to drop into a pool. Having learned my lesson, I went again and tried the blue one. The blue one was kinda exciting. It has many twists and turns, and it has a cover on, so it was kinda dark. I glided down the long tube and into the water again, and didn't get as much water I used to get in my mouth in the pool. After all these excitement we went back to the Wave Pool again, where we spent the rest of the time off swimming and floating on lifesavers. It was a really fun afternoon, and me and my friends really enjoyed it.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Nice Solution

Finally! I found a way to buy termites WITHOUT having to get a permission from the Canadian Department of Agriculture! Today when I was visiting my friend Melanie, I asked her where I could get live bugs for pet food. Melanie owns a scorpion and a tarantula herself, and she always buys crickets for her pets. She introduced me to a pet shop called PJ's Pets. She said that it has lot of live pet food such as meal worms, crickets and other bugs. Then I asked about if I could get termites from the shop. She said that I could probably get them, but I better contact the shop first to see if the termites are available. I was so relieved to get this information. I have been searching for DAYS to find live termites for my science project. First I found a website which specializes in lab tools, and I was lucky enough to find live termites for sale on the website. The sad part was that the termites could only be delivered in the US territory, and I would have to apply for a permission from our country's Agriculture Department in order to import the termites. But now it looks like I don't have to go over so much trouble, for PJ's Pets is only located in Richmond near Canada Line, which is not really far away. I think I will go have a look on Sunday and hopefully get what I want.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's Baskteball------Again!

Today we had basketball for PE again. It's not exactly my favorite sport, but it was okay. I think that I am starting to get the hang of it, because most of my shots went in the hoop. Today we moved on to dribbling. I thought that it was a really easy move, because what you just do is to dribble. But when I really tried it, it was not as easy as I thought. Mr. Pears changed the tempo after a few seconds so that we could speed up while keeping the ball under control. It was hard for me to look up while dribbling, because I was afraid that i might lose control of the ball. Shortly after the practice, we played a fun game, different than last time's. The girls formed a border, and the boys must keep dribbling the ball inside the boundary, while trying to knock someone elses' balls out. As more people got out, the area within the boundary became smaller, and finally, it was down to two people: Garry and Michael. But Garry quickly sent Michael's ball rolling out of the boundary and won the round. The girls did the same thing, and the final winner was Raida. It was a fun game, and then we switched to last time's old game again, but this time we added dribbling. The game was tense and the players were clearly challenged, but that just made it more exciting. I wonder what we will do next week?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Clay Work

Every Tuesday I would go to 4Cats Studio and make art projects. It's a very fun class, but there's only two people in the class not including the teacher: Me and another 12 year-old boy, John. Last week we have just finished our Tom Thompson painting, and today we moved on to Michelangelo. Today we did a clay sculpture of a human's upper body. The clay was really mushy and has a rather ugly grayish color. It kinda felt like Play-do, but a little bit harder. I sculpted an old man with a French hat and googly eyes and red peppers for hair. The head was going to fall off when I finished the sculpture, but our teacher Sam helped me to adjust the position of the head. It turned out really cool, and my old man sculpture looked really funny, and that's exactly what I wanted. I also liked John's project, and  I think his is funnier than mine and more creative. However, there's only one thing all the sculptures didn't have except mine------a beard! I added the extra beard because I thought it would make my sculpture look more realistic and aged, and it kinda worked. I really enjoyed this Michelangelo class, but unfortunately, it ended at 7:00. Next time we are going to work on charcoal drawing of our self-portraits, and I can't wait till next week's 4Cats class with Sam and John.

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's Time for Basketball!

Today we had another PE class and Mr. Pears introduced us to basketball. We were done with handball so now it was time for a different sport. I was kinda nervous, because I never had any real contact with basketball except for a few games, so I was very inexperienced. Back then I didn't join any basketball team because I was not allow to. I am a piano-player so it is very important for me to protect my hands. I also thought that basketball is a very violent sport, especially with people always checking you and try to take the ball away from you. Well, people who are really tall really benefits in the game, because they could simply block your ball and then shoot. So today we had a little bit of practice on how to shoot in the hoop. Mr. Pears told us that we are suppose to start out with walking, not dribbling, and with two hands supporting the ball, jump up and shoot. I scored a few hoops and I felt really great. Then he told us that we could add the dribbling and try to shoot. It was very cool, and I scored one goal on my first try. But then I messed up all the others, so I went back to square one------walking. After our practice, we had a little game. In this games, we were not suppose to dribble the ball. We simply pass it to our teammates. But everybody has a checker, so the game was really exciting. Garry, the tallest guy in the class, was advancing in the game. Gee, most of the boys are really good at basketball! I didn't think I did a bad job either. It was a really fun PE class, and I look forward on playing more basketball games in the following classes.