Wednesday, March 30, 2011

El lla pasa ase?!!!!!!!

Please ignore the title. It's just some random stuff I made don't bother searching it up on Google Translate because you will probably get nowhere. Wait. I just went on Google Translate and the stuff means "The call goes grabs" in Spanish 0.o Anyway, today I feel sooooo...Well, I don't feel anything at all. It's been a pretty ordinary day. Nothing exciting happened except that I stepped on a cookie and had to clean up the carpet with our yellow bee-shaped vacuum. Yep. I watched a freaky movie today called The House Sitter (I am not really sure if I remember the name right. Oh well). Do you know if you shoot a cat it would end up like a raw sausage that just exploded? Well you know now (I know you can't get that freaky image outta your mind now..Muwahahahaha). Then I just ate instant noodle because I was home alone and too lazy to cook anything else. The instant noodle tasted salty (for the soup base) and god that was the worse thing I've ever tasted. I played piano during the whole afternoon and my fingers popped. Now I am in front of my new computer staring at you.

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