Sunday, October 16, 2011

UBC Apple Festival!

My mom and I went to the UBC apple festival at the UBC botanical garden today! Well, we haven't gone on a lot of local bus trips this is kinda like the first one for the school year. The weather was really nice. Anyways, our schedule was a bit tight, because the festival ends at 4:00, and it was already 1:30 when we came out from our house. We spent about 30 minutes on the bus and it wasn't very comfortable because the hot sun was shining on my face the whole time. When we finally got there, we paid $8.00 for entrance fee. Then we saw the apple festival. I would say that I would probably have more fun at the festival if I was 4 or 5. There were booths for face painting and story telling and such. The apple tasting place was CROWDED! Well never mind that. I was more interested in the botanical garden itself. There was a special place for growing organic fruits and veggies. I took A LOT OF PICTURES there. Oh, I just love the plants! There was a really cute scene which I had captured-----a little ladybug resting on a bunch of purple grapes! It was sooooo cute.

And so we wandered around the botanical garden after a small tour around the organic fruit 'n' veggies garden. There was a special area for imported plants around the world. I saw some really really weird desert plants with chubby stems and leaves. We have plenty of them back in Hainan, China, so it wasn't anything new for me. But there was this really really weird plants with fruits like huge pea pods and sticky seeds. Lolzzz. I had a really good time in the UBC botanical garden. Today's trip was really awesome, and I think I will post some of the pictures I took for today's events on my photography website sometime this week or the next!

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