Ha, notice how I said "Fitness TestS?" That's right, I had TWO fitness tests today! The first one was at school. We did it during PE and I was proud of my scores. Other than my shuttle run and my height (which shrank two cm, apparently) I improved in every category!!! So proud of myself. I did 46 sit-ups!!! :p I am slowly getting stronger! THEN. I HAD THE TOUGHEST FITNESS TEST IN GOLF. Here's a list of what we did:
-how many push-ups you can do in a minute
-how many sit-ups you can do in a minute
-how far can you do a crocodile crawl in a minute (crocodile crawl is basically like you are lowered into pushup position, arms bent and you move with your toes. Extremely tiring and hard.)
-how many frog jumps you can do in a minute (frog jump is when you have two golf clubs spaced far apart and you have to jump over them. If you step on club it doesn't count)
-how many arm-to-knee alternating planks you can do in a minute
-how far can you toss a medicine ball in golfing position in a minute
-how far can you hit a super heavy bean bag thing with your golf club in a minute
-how many (I forgot the name, but it's like you are holding a heavy medicine ball with your arms stretched out and you are in lunging position and you turn your body sideways. Hard stuff) in a minute
-how many bunker jumps you can do in a minute (HARD. It's basically jumping vertically from sand to the edge of bunker. You can't be too much on the edge or it doesn't count)
That's how much stuff we had to do (I might've forgotten one or two more activities). Hard stuff! I was soooo exhausted at the end. I couldn't do my push-ups properly and I ended up doing only 12. My arms were just flimsy. Same with the alternating plank. These things were the hardest to do because we did them at the end. Everyone was pretty tired by then. My best activity was the golf club hitting bean bag one. I hit the furthest! Yay. I was soooo tired. When we came home, we quickly stopped by Starbucks to grab a cup of white chocolate mocha. They were almost gonna close when we rushed in. YESSSSSSSS. Tonight I want to finish all my work quickly and get a good night's sleep. I have a feeling Imma fall out of bed tomorrow and my muscles will be all sore.
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