Friday, April 13, 2012

Gah So Sorry

Sorry I didn't write yesterday's blog! I came home so late from golf practice and basically I was soooo tired I just crashed and slept 'til dawn.'s a make up blog! Let me tell you what I did yesterday:

PE-Badminton~~~~ I love badminton. We played two against one. Viv Alex against moi. They were being evil on me. Okay, first, one of them would hit the birdie really really close to the net so I had to lunge forward, and then when I hit back another one of them would hit it reallly really far so I had to run backward really fast to hit the birdie. Lolz. It was pretty fun and intense and Viv and Alex were really good and evil and at the end I was sweating a lot because I was running a lot the whole time :P

Then after school I played an hour of intense piano. I played my Yellow River Concerto and it used up 1/2 of my strength. Well..what can you expect from a piece filled with 95% of intense speedy octaves?

Then I had two hours of golf with my class from Wednesday! We did a test to see where everyone's at, and since I was the least experienced, I got the lowest mark. But that's okay! I only started golf like what, two months ago? The rest of the kids have already played at LEAST one year. I have a lot to catch up to. I was okay at chipping because I tied with two of the really good kids, but my putting sucked like -.- because I have almost no experience in it and yeah. Everyone did badly on the wedge shots because the ground was so flat and grassless and it was so easy to hit a "Fat" shot (basically you dig a hole in the dirt and the ball goes like blehhhhh) Lolz. It was really fun and everyone had a great time. I was really tired at the end though because we were so focused and that took up a lot of energy. That's why I came home and just slept without writing this blog. Lolz.

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