Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gah...I haven't posted much since June! Summer sure went by pretty fast and whoosh---we are back in school again! The new school year is not easy. Math is a bit hard and takes time to comprehend. Textiles is also a bit difficult to master but I think I will do better later on. International studies...I don't know, it's more like a discussion class. I really enjoy my science class because our teacher is AWESOME~~~~

Right now I am very tired. I just finished decorating my pocket for textiles and tomorrow I have to wake up early to catch up on my work. But it's alright~ I will manage~Short first blog of the grade 10 school year. I will try to post every week or twice a month. I is getting busier and busier and I apologize for being away for so long, my dear blog!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This morning I saw a coyote on Langara golf course! I was practicing and picking up my golf balls when my mom called out to me. Of course I was a bit far away from her so I didn't really know what she wanted to tell me. As I walked closer I could hear she say: "There's a coyote behind you." I was like :OOOOOOO Then I turned my head around and not far from me there was a coyote! It was big and fluffy and fast. I was very curious and excited to see the coyote (Never seen one so close before!) but a bit scared as well, so I picked up some golf balls and clutched onto my club in defense position. The coyote probably saw that so he changed his direction. He wandered into a nearby bush for a bit, then wandered back. A golf cart drove closer and it was the maintenance person. The coyote heard the noise the cart made and he disappeared into the bush! It was a great sighting. The coyote really looked like a fluffy husky.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


It's the end of grade 9 already. Fast, isn't it?

I am not going to say goodbye to Blogger yet. This old pal has been with me for two years now, and I am not gonna let it go. I will still blog, but maybe less frequent (not much as I use to). I still feel a bit emotional right now. Synergy is over! Only two short years, and how I treasured these two fantastic years! I will never forget anyone in our Synergy cult.

I can't believe school is out already! After report card summer break will officially begin! I have a lot of plans for the summer. Just this afternoon, I am going to an art exhibition with my mom. During the summer I will work on math, writing, piano and volunteering work. I am so excited! For the past few years I've matured a lot and gained a lot of experience. I can really feel that I am growing up now. This feeling is slightly creepy but fun as well. This is going to be a wonderful summer.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Synergy Party

Woot! What a nice Synergy party we had this afternoon! Yummy pizzas, delicious cookies, okay-ish salads and good pops! Me very full. ME GUSTA. Then we watched Socials Network! What a cool movie. Nerds are cool. Harvard is awesome!

It's so sad we will be grade 10 next year and the our Synergy group will dissolve into the Pre-IB crowds. It's been two fantastic years, my awesome Synergy classmates!

K, time to talk about some of my dreams.

I am listening to Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodies now. I love all of them! My dream is to play them on the piano! I think my skill has to be really, really, awesomely good in order to master the rhasodies. I am going to resume playing piano after Friday. I need to prepare for ARCT!

Monday, June 11, 2012


Gah just finished soccer and now my face is all red (tomato). Today we had such a good game! It was really fun and intense. I wish the weather was a little bit more cloudy, because the sun was kinda drying everyone up. I like defense. Colliding with people is so scary (especially if they are taller than you)! But it was so fun. The two soccer balls made it even harder...I ran around a lot this afternoon. So tired right now! Gah I am writing my blog in fragments. Anyways, tooooo tired to write properly. Came back and ate a bag of lychees and a mango and a mini-pizza. Still not full. Gotta eat more. I think one more mango will do.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Worm

I forgot to talk about this, but yesterday while I was walking home from tutoring, I saw a crow. The crow was actually not far away from me (3 feet?) It was weird, because usually if you get really close to a crow it would fly off quickly. But that one didn't. It hopped a little and picked something off the ground. I got closer to the crow and it was on the grass and it dropped the thing and moved away. I saw it. It was a fat, juicy worm! The worm was moving so fast, trying to dig its way back underground. I could almost hear it say :" OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I ALMOST DIED OMGOMG OMGOMGOMG HALLELUJAH OMGOMGOMOGMOMOGMOGMOGM". So there. I saved a worm.

Saturday, June 9, 2012



I bought a box of blueberries this afternoon and ate them in the car. I WAS SO HUNGRY. THE BLUEBERRIES TASTED SOOOO GOOD.

I love blueberries.

Anyways, I was also reading a book called Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. I am also reading another book called the Clockwork Orange. That is one hard book.