Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I AM ?

Okay. Here's the thing. I am WEIRD. NOBODY in the class has ever lived like me before. And guess what: I like being weird! Hahahahaha! HERE'S A LIST OF THE THINGS THAT I DID...

1: I ate a cactus without peeling tongue felt really itchy at that time...
2: I had a pet daddy-long -leg which lived right beside my bed.
3: I killed my four pet goldfish
    -two of them died 'cause I overfed them (I didn't know fish has no brain)
    -the other two died simply because I gave them tiny ants as snacks.
4. I killed my two pet ducklings when I was five due to inappropriate handling
5. I often torture the bugs I don't like.
6. I adore mushrooms
7. Once I found this smelly herb which smelled like rotten fish, and I blended into juice and put it in a bag and scared away all the boys in my class
9. I enjoy flooding ant hills
10. I went fishing twice and caught two shrimps on my fishing rod. No fish.
11. The wall of my grandma's house is filled with my graffiti.
12. My friends and I went treasure-hunting and we found four tiny watermelons the size of a pebble. I stored mine in the fridge 'til they shrank
13. My friends(mostly guys 'cause some of the girls were just too girly so yeah) and I had rotten fruits fights all the time. Sometimes we play mushroom-soccer or something like that.

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