Thursday, July 28, 2011

Here I Am

So my adventure for July is pretty much over. Now I am already back in Frankfurt and we are staying in my uncle's house with him and my grandparents. The first two days here I got my chance to really kick back and relax. I watch Chinese tv shows about the Japanese invasion with my grandpop every day. So epicly epic. Anyway the day before yesterday my uncle took us to Heidelburg (I hope this is the correct spelling) and we went to one of the oldest castles of Europe. Geez. It was so amazing. The castle is from the 12th century and was damaged many many times. Half of it has already become a ruin. But I like ruins----it's history! Anyway that was a nice trip. Now I have to do some real work, like playing piano and theory and stuff. They don't have a piano here, only a keyboard, so I can only play that. But it's really no big deal.

For some reason I kinda want to go back to school and be with my friends. I am really really sad at the fact that my bestest friend Asma won't be staying with me in Churchill in grade 9. She's moved to Richmond. Sigh~~~She was my first friend in Canada. I know we can still communicate through the internet or the phone, but it's just not the same. I will have to walk home alone without her unless I find a new bud to walk home with me everyday. My other friends don't live close by my house so yeah.

I should stop being so down.

Anywayz, can't wait to see the new Synerd who is joining us next year.

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