Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Make-Up Blog (2)

So I worked and worked and worked and I was STILL NOT FINISHED! GAHAHAHHAHAH I was really going insane at that time. I tried so hard to finish off my project but there were so many things to be done! As I have mentioned in my previous blog...I got no sleep. LITERALLY NO SLEEP AT ALL. Carina stayed up with me and she got no sleep either, and we just kept each other's company. I was half brain-dead throughout the night. In the morning I was STILL NOT FINISHED. I rushed the last little bit but overall my project looked really good. I am proud of it. Still, next year I don't wanna repeat this rushing tradition again...D:

I was super alert and hyper when I got to school that morning. I was just so energetic for some reason, and that was a BAD SIGN. I knew it right away. I crashed after lunch and I just felt all light and weird and just really...absent from the world! Basically I was still super alert, but I didn't feel like myself and I was TOTALLY BRAIN DEAD. It was so hard to try to concentrate because my mind was just like bleeehhehehehe. When I got home I just crashed and slept for an hour. Then I had to wake up again for piano lesson. I wasn't doing such a good job because my concerto piece required like dramatic strenght and stuff and I was just weak and weird from the sleepless day. That was really really not good. I went home and quickly ate my dinner and then crashed again at about 8:30pm and just slept 'til morning. When I woke up this morning I still felt a bit weird, but of course it was wayyyy better than yesterday. Ughghghghhg....

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