Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Work Out In Golf

Today I had my first formal day with the golf camp! My dad is putting me into this golf camp thingy and it runs 4 hours per week 'til October, and our main focus is to do competitions and tournaments. Anyways, I am the oldest of the four in our group, but that was okay, because I quickly made friends with everyone! WEEEEEE. Today was our fitness day so we had "circus training", meaning we had to do a series of fitness tests related to golf. Some of them were: two people standing on unstable balance boards and throwing a medicine ball to each other; two ppl passing an object to each other while doing side plank back to back, and etc. A lot of these activities were actually a bit hard and required some muscles. THE MOST AMAZING PART was when our teacher took us for a run in the Pacific Spirit Park (the HUGE park in UBC). It was getting dark and I wasn't wearing my glasses so everything was blurry and kinda dark. It was actually a bit...well, mysterious in the park as well because there were just the five of us (including the teacher). We had to run the course and it was raining pretty hard and there were just big water puddles EVERYWHERE. I almost ran into a tree. Hheheheheeh. It was like running Langara but I felt pretty relaxed and wasn't tired at all! That run in the park was like an adventure! Our teacher said next time we do a fitness test he is gonna bring his dog Bailey (Bailey is a big fluffy dog and loves running in parks). Hehhehe. Can't wait 'til tomorrow cuz we are gonna do some golf skill tests tomorrow!

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