Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ooooo Antique Shops & Other Crazy Theme Furniture Shops

Today I had theory class and my mom and I decided to go shopping after class. Well, we hopped on no.10 bus and it dropped us off at...I don't know, but somewhere close to Broadway (btw we were on Granville Street). Anyway, there were a few interesting antique shops and furniture shops. My mom and I adore antique shops. There was one called "The Farmhouse" (I think) and I think it's an antique shop because the stuff it features tend to be in a time period of the 19th century and it was really cool because most of the furniture were either faded or scratched. Reminded me of the time when we visited my dad's oldest aunt and she had this beautiful wardrobe from the 19th century. Coolio. Then there was another antique shop that had the cutest antique lamp EVER! It's made of iron and it kinda looks like the walking lamp from the movie Spirited Away. The furniture there were all made of REAL WOOD. GOOD QUALITY WOOD.

Then there was another rock shop featuring crystals and big jugs and vases made of special rocks. There were also fossils there. I have tonnes of that stuff back in China. My dad bought them from Chile (I don't know why, and back then he bought SO MANY that a lot of them were damaged in his suitcases). Anyway, the quartz they were showing were HUGE. Gigantic. Very beautiful though.

AND OMG there was another furniture shop that captured my attention. The theme of the furniture shop was the wilderness and mechanics. The lamps there were absolutely gorgeous and similar to the other lamp I saw earlier at the second antique shop. The comfy chairs there had fascinating designs and god I really really wanted to get one but it says one chair costs more than a thousand bucks so yeah. O.O I think I would definitely purchase some of those furniture when I have my own little cottage by the lake one day.

It was an amazing trip------seeing all the antiques and furniture!

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