Monday, April 4, 2011

Praise the First Day o' School

So I woke up at 7:30 this morning. A dream happened but went poof the moment I woke up. Sigh~~Anyway it's gonna take me a while to remember what that dream was about. Oh yeah. It was me and a bunch of hunters and they were hunting for me in a swamp and I fled to this old dump of a mini castle and they took a random baby and blew his face off. Then I had burgers served from a Zombie lady.

Weird, eh?

Well, I took my painting for Leslie and food coloring (for my hydraulic project) and went to school. We had art for first period. It was kinda fun. Me, Leslie and Tony talked about weird stuff, There were awkward silent moments. Tony was talking about something and Leslie was listening but I was playing with my clay sculpture, so when he finished his sentence I blurted out the word "nomad' for no reason. They both stared at me. I think they liked that word.

Then we had socials and we had to complete that ridiculous survey. I filled it out randomly with Aileen and it was a lot of fun. Then it was lunch time and me and Leslie tested out our hydraulic project in the washroom. Turns out she brought food coloring as well and it was already diluted with water. It was bluish. When we brought it to the lab some people thought the liquid was Gatorade and they wanted to try it (drink it). I said it's actually the stuff that you use to clean toilets. People vomitted. LOL I was only joking... it's just water with food coloring.

Last period we had PE and we did some high jumps. I think I did okay...but I am excited. I can't wait for the running events.


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