Thursday, May 5, 2011

So Sorry I Have To Write This Today

This blog was supposed to be written yesterday. But I had a bad bad fever yesterday night and went to the emergency section of the children's hospital and we stayed till like 11'o clock. Man I was burning up. My temperature before I had the Tylenol pills was 39.5 Celsius. The doctor says that my fever was caused by viruses.I am staying home today because I am still very sore and I have a severe headache. I can't eat properly because I have a wisdom tooth growing for some reason and my gum hurts on the inside. Ughghhhh. My friend Asma phoned me and told me that the track meet has been moved to the 16th. GOOD. I was soooo worried about the track meet, but since it's been postponed, everything is gonna be fine. Now I have to study for my socials test even though I am still pretty sick, but I think I will come around tomorrow and be ready for school.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mushy, are you okay?! Stay home if you have to, Mr. Sale will probable be able to postpone your test. We didn't have much for French today, the homework is just the same as last time, the track meet was cancelled, and nobody did their work. You might want to go to Chuaqui and Greskiw for some handouts, though. Hope you get better soon!
