Monday, November 1, 2010

It's Time for Basketball!

Today we had another PE class and Mr. Pears introduced us to basketball. We were done with handball so now it was time for a different sport. I was kinda nervous, because I never had any real contact with basketball except for a few games, so I was very inexperienced. Back then I didn't join any basketball team because I was not allow to. I am a piano-player so it is very important for me to protect my hands. I also thought that basketball is a very violent sport, especially with people always checking you and try to take the ball away from you. Well, people who are really tall really benefits in the game, because they could simply block your ball and then shoot. So today we had a little bit of practice on how to shoot in the hoop. Mr. Pears told us that we are suppose to start out with walking, not dribbling, and with two hands supporting the ball, jump up and shoot. I scored a few hoops and I felt really great. Then he told us that we could add the dribbling and try to shoot. It was very cool, and I scored one goal on my first try. But then I messed up all the others, so I went back to square one------walking. After our practice, we had a little game. In this games, we were not suppose to dribble the ball. We simply pass it to our teammates. But everybody has a checker, so the game was really exciting. Garry, the tallest guy in the class, was advancing in the game. Gee, most of the boys are really good at basketball! I didn't think I did a bad job either. It was a really fun PE class, and I look forward on playing more basketball games in the following classes.

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